Registration deadline (free of charge) : Oct 27
Book of abstracts and practical information: QuoVadisQuantumSimulators-BookOfAbstracts
In a visionary colloquium nearly sixty years ago, Richard Feynman proposed to construct, in a bottom up approach, the so-called quantum simulators: systems that can be engineered and manipulated at will, and might serve as a tool to verify model Hamiltonians and ultimately Lead to the understanding of other more elusive quantum systems. Although it took some decades for the field to take off, during the last years there has been an explosion of activities in designing matter using different platforms.
The aim of this multidisciplinary workshop is to gather experts on different fields of quantum simulators, to foment discussions among different communities and foster cross linking inspiration. Among other topics, invited speakers will cover the following fields:
~ ultracold atoms
~ photonics
~ superconducting circuits
~ electronic systems
~ topological classical systems
In addition to the invited talks, we welcome both contributed talks and poster presentations (see the registration section).